Soil improvement for Red Dog Mine Alaska
Red Dog Mine, one of the largest zinc mines in the world, is located in the north-west of Alaska, around 170 km north of the Arctic Circle and nearly 1,000 km to the north-west of Anchorage. Due to its location in the Arctic Circle region, the entire mine is in an area where the ground is permanently and completely frozen. Based on an assessment of this permafrost, soil improvements were identified as a measure to counteract the effects of melting permafrost. To this end, Bauer specialists were tasked with carrying out field tests for soil improvement using the jet grouting and cutter soil mixing (CSM) methods. In addition, the construction of a secant pile wall was executed as an extension of an existing diaphragm wall.
BAUER Foundation Corp.
Red Dog Mine
August 2019 to June 2021
Soil improvement, field tests using jet grouting and cutter soil mixing methods, secant pile wall
One of the largest zinc mines in the world

A project of extremes with an Arctic climate, strict schedule and isolated location. And a team that mastered every challenge.”
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